Any vehicle you drive while holding an Ignition Interlock License must be equipped with an Ignition Interlock Device. However, if you are self-employed, or required to drive vehicles leased/rented by your employer or vehicles in the temporary care/maintenance of your employer as part of employment, you can apply for a waiver of the Ignition Interlock Device requirement on these vehicles. This waiver will allow you to use vehicles that are leased/rented by your employer or vehicles in the temporary care/maintenance of your employer during work hours. The Employer Waiver will not allow you to use these vehicles for commuting to and from your job, but it will allow you to operate such vehicles without an IID during work hours.

To obtain an Employer Waiver of the IID requirement on work vehicles, you must have your employer fill out and sign an Employer Declaration for Ignition Interlock Device. You must then file the declaration with the DOL. You must then carry a copy of the declaration with you whenever you drive a work vehicle that is not equipped with an ignition interlock device. For a copy of the forms necessary to establish an Employer Exception go to the Washington State Department of Licensing Website or contact Garza Defenes PLLC.